How to Ensure You Create Soul Aligned New Year’s Goals

Have you ever created New Year’s goals that don’t inspire or motivate you? You believe you “should” or “need” to achieve these goals, so you “resolve” to accomplish them. Yet, you can’t get excited about them.

No wonder you don’t achieve them.

Don’t do that this year. Instead, create soul-aligned New Year’s goals. You intuitively feel these goals are for your highest good or they inspire you.

You are highly likely to achieve soul-aligned goals. You won’t need to resolve to achieve them. You’ll eagerly do so.

What are Soul-Aligned Goals?

Soul-aligned goals are ones you feel spiritually or intuitively directed to achieve. You may have no logical reason to set such goals; you know deep inside that these goals are ones you want to pursue. Or you feel inspired and motivated to pursue them.

Your soul speaks to you through inspiration and intuition. These feelings or experiences are instances when your spiritual nature guides you toward goals that help you achieve your purpose or grow in a necessary way.

You don’t choose soul-aligned goals because someone told you you should achieve them or you believe you will receive acceptance, approval, money, or accolades for doing so. You choose them because you know they are aligned and congruent with who you are, who you want to become, and the positive impact you want to have.

How to Create Soul-Aligned Goals

So, how do you create soul-aligned goals? The following five tips will help ensure you create ones that feed your soul.

1. Follow your intuition

Intuition is “the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.” Simply said, you know something without knowing how you know it.

Intuition often comes as thought. For instance, you suddenly have the thought to walk into a store—for no logical reason. Or you might receive mental instructions. This self-talk sounds like you, but you don’t seem to have originated the advice. Or you may feel something, like butterflies in your stomach, hairs rising on your arms, happiness, or peace. You might feel fear or discomfort if your intuition is guiding you away from something.

When you get an intuitive hit, follow it! Acting on intuition demonstrates trust in your spiritual guidance.

Intuition is one of the ways your soul or spiritual nature communicates with you. Therefore, if you want to set soul-aligned goals, base them on the intuitive guidance you receive from your soul.

2. Follow your inspiration

Inspiration is another way your soul communicates. Consider inspiration a nudge from your spiritual nature. It’s your soul saying, “Yes! Doing this feeds me. Take this action; it is for your highest good.”

Again, trust your inspiration. Act on it.

When you create goals that inspire you, you align your aspirations with your soul’s guidance. Then, your spiritual nature will continue giving you good reason for moving toward your goal—and inspire you every step of the way.

3. Follow your Passion

Passion is a desirable human emotion. It fuels us and makes us think relentlessly and act consistently in ways that help us pursue our passions.

Imagine someone passionate about horses. They may constantly find ways to be around horses and bore you with their constant chatter about their equine adventures.

You want to feel that way about your goals—passionate. If you do, you will constantly think about and take action to achieve them.

Plus, passion, like inspiration and intuition, is how your soul communicates with you. Passion provides spiritual directions toward involvement in something specific. Pay attention.

4. Follow Your Purpose

Not everyone knows their purpose, but you don’t have to. You can choose one. In all likelihood, you feel strongly about what you chose. Therefore, the purpose might be your “soul” purpose—what you need to accomplish in this lifetime.

When you know or choose your purpose, ensure you feel passionate about it. Combine your passion with your purpose to get inspired. Your passion and purpose are soul-aligned, and your feeling of being inspired indicates this fact.

5. Follow your Vision

What’s your vision for the new year? Where do you see yourself in 12 months or more?

If creating that vision intuitively seems like your next inspired action, you are passionate about that vision, daydream about it all the time, and your goals help you make the vision real, you have a soul-aligned vision and soul-aligned goals.

Without vision, you don’t know where you are going. Goals are the necessary step toward creating the vision. Each time you achieve a goal, no matter how small, you take a step toward creating your vision. You don’t need to move toward it in leaps (huge goals); baby steps do the trick nicely.

You will achieve your goals and create your vision if all these pieces are there. Why? Because they are soul-aligned.

Aspirations Make Perfect Goals

Too often, New Year’s goals lack passion and purpose. They aren’t aspirations that come from intuitive guidance or inspiration. So, we don’t bother accomplishing them.

Set aspirational New Year’s goals based on intuition, inspiration, passion, purpose, and vision. Such goals push you and create fulfillment when achieved.

This year, eliminate goals you feel you should accomplish or were told are appropriate. Follow your intuition, and set your sights on achieving things you feel inspired to accomplish and have the passion to pursue. Set soul-aligned goals that are on purpose.

Then, watch how little resolve you need to achieve them.

What soul-aligned goals will you achieve in the new year? Tell me in a comment below. And please share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.

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Image courtesy of moonsafarii.

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