
Nina Amir's Black Friday-Cyber Monday Sale

Many of Nina's bestselling courses and coaching packages are included in this sale, but the great prices only last for a limited time. Purchase before midnight (PST) on the 27th of November to save! Give yourself (or a writer or blogger you know) a gift to help achieve your writing goals this year!


Sale Prices apply from 00:01 on Friday, November 24, 2017 until 23:59 on Monday, November 27, 2017

Blog and Blog-to-Book Coaching package - 4 hours/month

Do you need help learning how to blog effectively and passionately? Do you need someone to show you how to blog your book or book your blog? Award-winning blogger Nina Amir, author of How to Blog a Book, offers her expertise to help you build a well-trafficked blog, write compelling and effective posts, and turn your posts into books.

Coaching sessions are personalized to your needs. Coaching includes four one-hour sessions to keep you moving towards your goals. 4 hours/month Blogging or Blog-to-Book Coaching. Learn more here.

$697 $597

Note: Payments automatically renew each month until cancellation.

Author Coaching Package - 4 hours/month

If you’re feeling frustrated, unmotivated, blocked, in need of guidance, or in any way deterred by the publishing process, hire an Author Coach fast! Don’t let your dream of writing and publishing a book die. Don’t let your words get lost before you get them down on paper or out in some fashion for people to read. Hire Nina Amir to keep you motivated, on track, positive, inspired, passionate, and moving toward achieving your dream of becoming a published author!

Author Coaching is an open coaching or consulting environment personalized to you and your needs. You set the agenda! Pay month by month!

Author Coaching includes four one-hour sessions per month to keep you moving towards your publishing goals. 4 hours/month Author Coaching. To learn more, click here.

$697 $597

Note: Payments automatically renew each month until cancellation.

Author Training - 4 hours/month for 2 months

Get the education you need to become a successful author. This proprietary Author Training curriculum is based on Nina Amir's book, The Author Training Manual. This program is the only REAL Author Training in existence today. During Author Training, you attend eight training/coaching sessions that teach you how to become a successful author, help you produce a marketable book, and show you how to monetize your work.

Completion of the full training requires two months of Author Training sessions. In that time, you will complete the nine Steps of the Author Training Process. In two months you officially will be trained to become an author.

Author Training includes four one-hour sessions per month to keep you moving towards authorship and your publishing goals. 4 hours/month Author Training. To learn more, click here.

$747 $597

Note: Payments automatically renew each month until cancellation.

Certified High Performance Coaching (CHPC)

If you know you can do, be and have more, Certified High Performance Coaching (CHPC) will show you how to achieve heightened and sustained levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence in your life. By teaching you the tools, skills, and habits of high performers around the world, Nina Amir helps you level up in all areas of your life. With new mindsets, strategies, and habits, you'll take inspired action toward achieving your goals and potential.

CHPC is a training/coaching curriculum designed to get you from where you are now to where you want to be in the immediate future. As a Certified High Performance Coach, Nina works with writers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and creative people from all walks of life to help them combine their passion and purpose and take inspired action towards their goals daily. 

If you don't feel like you are living life fully--personally or professionally, CHPC will show you how to generate  joy, energy, and enthusiasm for life. If you feel stuck, CHPC will help you get out of your own way and start moving forward. In fact, you'll likely accomplish more in three months than you did in the last year.

Certified High Performance Coaching includes:

  • 12 one-on-one coaching sessions (one hour long each) over 12 weeks or 24 weeks
  • recordings of the sessions
  • homework assignments/strategies to practice
  • skills to level-up personally and professionally
  • habits to help you increase your clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence
  • high performance tools
  • a coach who will push you to be your best self

To grab the Black Friday/ Cyber Monday savings on CHPC, click on the "Apply Now" button below. Fill out the form at the bottom of that page and submit. Nina Amir will determine if you are a good fit for this type of coaching.

If you decide to move forward after the free session you will get 15% off the cost of a 12-session package PLUS 25% off as a new customer as well. The full price is $3,999. With 25% off, you save $1,000. With the additional Black Friday/Cyber Monday discount of 15%, you save another $450 - a total savings of $1,450. 

Not sure? Learn more here.

$3,999 $2,549

Author of Change LIVE!

Do you want to write a book that inspires the change you want to see in the world? The world desperately needs authors of change. As an change agent, you can inspire transformation in many ways. As a writer, you can make a tremendously powerful, positive and meaningful difference in the world with your words. It's time to become an author of change and share your message.

But you first need to learn how to author change in your life, author change in the world, and author a change-inspiring book. And that's what you'll learn in this live course, which begins in February. You can learn more here.

$497 $397

Use coupon code: AOCBLACK17 at the Checkout to receive $100 off the full price of $497.

Turn Your Blog Into A Book Production Machine

If you blog to promote your books, build author platform or earn a living, this course is for you. If you are just beginning to blog or you've been blogging for years, you'll discover a new way to put your content to use. And if you want to blog a book or book a blog, you want this one-of-a-kind course.

Writers who want to write and sell more books (or who aren't getting books written because they are too busy using their blogs to promote and build platform) will find the strategies taught in this course quick and easy ways to produce successful books--ones that sell.

Bloggers of all types will discover ways to turn themselves into authors, as well as experts, and to monetize their existing, previously published content. They also will learn how to become more effective and productive as they continue to blog.

Learn more here.

$197 $99

Non-Fiction Writers University

To become a successful nonfiction writer you need the knowledge to make your dream a reality. Along with that, you may also need some support. You may want a mentor, too. 

The Nonfiction Writers’ University (NFWU), is a community for nonfiction writers and authors (both aspiring and published) to connect, exchange ideas, and learn about how to further their careers. The primary purpose of this site is to provide educational resources to support members’ growth as nonfiction writers and authors.

NFWU members receive group coaching, video training, events with experts, written challenges, and virtual writing sessions on a monthly basis.

The current membership price is $37 per month. During the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale, you can join the NFWU for the 2016 price of $29.99 per month. You will be grandfathered in at that price and never pay more as long as you maintain your membership.

Learn more here. (Note: If you click through and decide to opt into the trial offer, you will pay $37 per month after the first month. The only way to get last year's pricing is to join the NFWU on this sale page.)

$37 per month $29.99 per month

Note: Payments automatically renew each month until cancellation.

High Performance Writer

Join a group of like-minded writers who know the only thing stopping them from successful authorship is themselves. If you are fed up and ready to change--and realize that YOU are the problem, it's time to get out of your own way and learn how to achieve your writing goals.

If you write inconsistently, don't publish your work, balk at the required tasks that go with getting published, start projects but never finish them, and allow life to get in the way of achieving your writing dreams, the High Performance Writer Group Coaching Program is just what you need. It's the only personal development program for writers based on a proven, results-oriented, research backed personal growth curriculum. (Learn more here.)

The majority of wannabe writers just talk about writing. Real writers . . . successful writers . . . write. They are high-performers who churn out written work consistently and place it in the hands of readers. They do what it takes to succeed.

Ready to step up and into your best writing self--and your best self? Register now; the program begins the second week of January.

$497 $397

The Ultimate Career Plan for Authors, Bloggers and Experts

Create your author, blogger or expert career plan from idea to brand to business. Publishing a nonfiction book typically doesn’t provide you with a ticket to success - at least not if you want a career as a successful nonfiction author, blogger or expert. To succeed in these competitive arenas, you need a career plan that includes a book - or more than one book - as well as a brand and a business.

With Nina Amir's help, you will build a map that helps you see the trajectory of your career as an author. You'll brainstorm books, discover the theme in your work (even if you write in more than one genre), brand yourself and your website, create a blog plan, and discover how to promote and monetize your work. Learn more here.

$997 $797

Use coupon code: CAREERBLACK17 at the Checkout to receive $200 off the full price of $997.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.