Manifest by becoming an Inspired Creator

Why You Want to Become an Inspired Creator

If you want to create your desires, it’s imperative that you do so from a state of inspiration. When you are “in spirit,” the human self—specifically the ego, mind, brain, thoughts, and beliefs—becomes less influential. Your spiritual guidance system then directs and helps you manifest your desires. However, you must also be aware of who

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why you don't manifest what you want

The Best Way to Eliminate Your Huge Manifestation Obstacles

Many people feel as if a huge obstacle exists between what they want and manifesting that desire. If you are frustrated that you aren’t creating what you want, it’s time to explore your manifestation obstacles. Your inability to create what you desire is likely tied to a consistent thought about why you can’t have it.

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give gifts for the soul

What Gifts Feed the Soul, Make the Spirit Happy, and Light Up the World?

The Thanksgiving holiday has ended in the United States. That means we’ve entered the excessive spending season. Ostensibly, holiday shopping is done for the purpose of giving, but Black Friday ushers in a spiritually dark period of the year. And it doesn’t become brighter even when we celebrate light-filled holidays, like Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza.

What Gifts Feed the Soul, Make the Spirit Happy, and Light Up the World? Read More »

How to know if you are being intuitively guided

How to Know for Sure If You are Receiving Brain Guidance Versus Spiritual Guidance

d You’ve been told to follow your intuition. So, you evaluate every choice through the lens of spiritual guidance. And then you wonder why you aren’t making progress toward your goals. After all, taking a spiritual approach to decision-making is supposed to put you in the flow and move you forward faster and more efficiently.

How to Know for Sure If You are Receiving Brain Guidance Versus Spiritual Guidance Read More »

How to achieve desired results with mental mastery

6 Steps to Creating Your Destiny with Mental Mastery

There’s a good reason why the highest-performing people in the world focus on mastering their psychology. Beliefs, thoughts, and words influence your actions, habits, values, and future. If you want to control your destiny, start by controlling your mind. In Certified High Performance Coaching, we call this “psychology mastery.” Yet, you don’t have to hire

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manifestation secrets

Why You Need Commitment, Belief, and Courage to Create Your Desires

Looking for manifestation secrets? A quick Google search will produce many links leading you to hidden information to help you create your desires. Many of those strategies work, yet most lack a few foundational pieces. Specifically, they don’t mention the importance of commitment, belief, and courage in the creation process. Focused attention, visualization, affirmations, and

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it's time to let go of old stories, beliefs and emotions--you don't need your emotional baggage anymore

Why It’s Time to Drop Your Emotional Baggage by the Curb

Most of us hang on to old emotions, interpretations, and beliefs past their expiration dates. In fact, we would be well served to throw away many negative feelings, unsupportive stories, and gloomy thoughts immediately…or at least in a timely fashion. Yet, we don’t. Then, they keep us mired in the past and hinder our progress

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be intentional and set intentions to create what you desire.

How Setting an Intention Helps You Hit Your Target

“Intention” is a powerful word. When you intend something, you determine where you focus your attention. Become an intentional person, and your actions align with your intention. That’s when you create the results you desire. Your intention is the direction in which you aim. Consider an archer who sets up a target with a bull’s

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


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