Spiritual Growth

Manifest with positive energy of positive emotions

How to Make Manifestation Easy by Using Feel-Good Moments

How often do you feel happy, excited, or grateful? Hopefully, quite often. And every one of those feel-good moments provides an opportunity to manifest your desires. In that moment of joy, anticipation, or appreciation, shoot off an intention. Speak or think about what you want to create, and allow your good emotional and high vibratory […]

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Definition and benefits of personal growth

What is Personal Growth and How Does it Benefit You?

People around the globe spend billions of dollars on personal growth every year. They invest time, energy, and money in intentionally reaching their human potential. Of course, everyone experiences growth naturally as they navigate life. In fact, your personal growth often is instigated by challenges, opportunities, loss, relationships, failure, and even spiritual awakenings. When life

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manage emotions during holidays

How to Use Your Attention to Manage Your Emotions During the Holidays

We have officially entered the holiday season. Maybe that fact fills you with joy. But, if not, then it likely makes you anxious. After all, the holidays can be filled with negative feelings and complicated family dynamics. That’s why many people search for ways to manage their emotions during the holidays. If you can just

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meaning of extraordinary

What Does “Extraordinary” Mean and How Do You Stop Being Ordinary?

You need to be extraordinary to succeed, right? After all, if you are ordinary, you won’t get noticed…or so you’ve been told. Yet, being extraordinary can seem like an unattainable goal. And what does that word even mean? What do you have to be or do to become extraordinary? I believe everyone is extraordinary in

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Meaning of Marianne Williamson's deepest fear quote

What Does Marianne Williamson’s “Deepest Fear” Quote Really Mean?

Most of you have heard Marianne Williamson’s famous “deepest fear” quote. You don’t have to agree with her politics, enjoy her books, or like her. Still, Williamson deserves credit for this passage from her bestselling self-help book, A Return to Love—credit she isn’t always given. Her words deserve to be carefully read and understood because

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What is transformational coaching?

What is a Transformational Coach and Transformational Coaching?

Transformation is the result of change, not the process of change. Nevertheless, it’s the end goal and what most people who seek personal and spiritual growth hope to accomplish. You change all the time—like it or not, realize it or not. How you think, feel, act, and even look constantly changes. However, if you intentionally

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stop shoulding yourself

4 Ways to Finally Stop Shoulding Yourself

How often do you hear someone say, “You really should…”? And how frequently do you tell yourself, “You should…” or “I should…”? I bet “shoulding” occurs so often daily that you can’t keep count. Whether the “should” comes from an external or internal source doesn’t matter much since it typically results in “shoulding yourself.” Let

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how to become an alchemist

How to Be an Alchemist and Change Yourself and Your Life for the Better

When you hear the word “alchemist,” what comes to mind? You likely imagine a magician producing something out of nothing or a scientist turning lead into gold. However, people who transform themselves are alchemists, too. Indeed, if you apply personal and spiritual growth strategies to yourself, you are an alchemist. Why? In the process, you

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Why the Law of Attraction doesn't work

Why Your Attempts to Manifest Attract the Opposite of Your Desires

Too often, my attempts to manifest my desires result in creation of the exact opposite—what I don’t want. You probably have had the same experience. So what’s up with that? There are several ways to explain this phenomenon, but Neale Donald Walsch offers a fabulous one in Conversations with God. He writes, “Whenever you proclaim

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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