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You want to write a nonfiction book…fast, but it just feels so hard to make yourself sit down and write…all alone.

Know what I mean?

It’s hard to stay motivated when you aren’t in the company of other writers. And that’s especially true when you take on a challenge to write a piece of nonfiction—especially a book—in 30 days.

That’s when you really feel the need for support...for camaraderie...for community.

There’s no reason to write all by yourself in your “lonely writer’s garret”—not with the technology available today.

You now have the option to join a remote co-working…or, more accurately, co-writing…space filled with other nonfiction writers looking for community, accountability, and the energy that comes from a group of people all working toward the same goal.

Every one of the nonfiction writers in The Remote Writing Room is intent on writing nonfiction—books, articles, and blog posts. Not only that, each one wants to start AND finish a project in 30 days as part of the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge (aka National Nonfiction Writing Month).

And they know that it’s easier to write in community.

Don’t write alone this November…and get discouraged and quit partway through the challenge. Write with other nonfiction writers...so you stay motivated, inspired, and on track to achieve your writing goal.

Join The Remote Writing Room.

Get together virtually twice per week with a group of writers who have gathered for one reason and one reason only—to write nonfiction in November.

The Remote Writing Room gives you the opportunity to write virtually during November with others taking the Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN) Challenge.

While writing is a solitary endeavor, I have found that my students and I are quite a bit more productive when we write together virtually. Just knowing—even seeing—that others are writing at the same time can make a huge difference in your level of focus and effectiveness.

I noticed this every month when the members of my Nonfiction Writers’ University would gather either in a teleseminar or video conferencing “room” for a "virtual writing session."

We’d begin each two-hour session with a brief meditation, intention setting, and energizing exercise. Then we would write. We’d break every 20 to 50 minutes to check in and re-energize ourselves for another writing sprint.

The results were amazing.

During November, a lot of writers participate in challenges like WNFIN (NaNonFiWriMo) or National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Some people travel to attend live “write-ins,” so they can be with other writers also trying to complete a manuscript in 30 days. They find these meetings quite helpful, especially since participants feel part of a group and experience the increased motivation and energy that comes from writing in community.

That’s the idea behind The Remote Writing Room. Write with others. Enjoy the benefits of group energy. Feel connected to other writers. Finish your WNFIN Challenge project with support and in community.

Only, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home, put on makeup, change your clothes, or worry about traffic to do so. Just sit down with your computer in a place where you won’t be disturbed, click on the Zoom link to join the virtual writing session, and start writing…while you see the other writers writing, too.

We won’t waste much time… A quick ritual to get you started, and then it’s all writing until we finish. We’ll take a few minutes to share our wins, and then we’ll sign off until the next time.

Ready to try The Remote Writing room this November?
Here are the details:

  • The group will gather in a Zoom meeting room and write together for two hours.
  • The Remote Writing Room will be open for use twice per week.
  • Each session will include a ritual to start the session and a celebration at the end of the session.
  • During each session, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions via the chat option and have them answered during the writing sessions.
  • Limited to 50 people
  • Sessions take place from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
  • The program includes a total of 8 sessions all occurring during November.


  • Friday, November 1
  • Monday, November 4
  • Friday, November 8
  • Monday, November 11
  • Monday, November 18
  • Friday, November 22
  • Tuesday, November 26
  • Wednesday, November 27

BONUS: At the end of each writing session, I’ll stay in the meeting room for another 30 minutes to answer your questions and coach you through any writing challenges you encountered-- value $150. (And don’t forget that you can ask questions via the chat function during the writing sessions.)

Come write with other who have chosen to take the WNFIN Challenge.

Let the group format, energy, and dynamics keep your moving forward with your work in progress, so you not only start but also finish it in 30 days.

Ready to enter The Remote Writing Room?

Cost: $147

NFWU Members pay only HALF!

(If you are an NFWU member, check your email for a special coupon code!)

You can join the Nonfiction Writers' University for a one-week for $1 by clicking here.

NFWU-Masters Members attend FREE!

If you are a member, you will have access to the program content through the Members Platform automatically.

You can find out more about the Nonfiction Writers' University Masters by clicking here.

If after two sessions you don't feel “The Remote Writing Room” will help you write more consistently and productively during November 2019 and finish your nonfiction project by the end of the 30-day WNFIN Challenge period, I’ll (1) refund your money AND (2) consult with you for 15 minutes FREE to support your writing goals. No questions, no hassles – it’s that simple. If you are dissatisfied, you get your money back.**

**No refunds for other reasons. Access to bonuses and handouts are revoked upon cancellation.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.