Cancellation Policy
After any initial trial, membership renews automatically at $37.00 each month (or $367 each year for annual membership). If you signed up before 2017 or with a special discounted rate, you are grandfathered in at the rate in force at the time you signed up as long as your membership remains active and paid in full. You can cancel your membership simply and at anytime; your membership will remain active and you will continue to have access to the NFWU content until the end of the billing period in which you cancel. If you choose to become a NFWU again at a later date, you will no longer be grandfathered in at the lower rate but will be required to pay $37 each month.
How to Cancel
Go to the "Your Account" page (accessible from the Login dropdown on the top menu).
If you have any issues or require assistance, email Nina (nina@ninaamir.com) or the support team (ruth@fresheyesconsultancy.com). Alternatively, you can cancel your recurring payment through PayPal or your credit card.
No refunds will be issued at the end of any trial period if you do not cancel before the $37 charge has been automatically processed.
Please ensure that if you wish to cancel, you do so in sufficient time before the end of any trial or your current billing month (or billing year for annual memberships). So long as membership is cancelled before the end of the trial period or billing month/year, you won't be billed beyond the trial or billing month/year in which you cancel.