Law of Attraction

Kabbalah and law of attraction

The Law of Attraction from a Spiritual Point of View

For years, I searched for certain metaphysical and mystical principles within Judaism, including the Law of Attraction. I knew they existed. I found the idea that we can deliberately or consciously create using our thoughts and feelings in a variety of Jewish teachings and books. However, usually the concept was hidden and talked about in

The Law of Attraction from a Spiritual Point of View Read More »

conscious creation and kabblah

7 Kabbalistic Steps for Achieving Goals and Keeping Resolutions

We all have dreams and desires we would like to manifest—new cars, soul mates, fit and trim bodies, perfect health, rewarding jobs, increased wealth, abundant free time to pursue our interests, but we don’t always do what it takes to create these things in our lives. On December 31st or January 1, we may come

7 Kabbalistic Steps for Achieving Goals and Keeping Resolutions Read More »

the lesson of giving

The Secret of Attracting What You Want for Christmas is Found in Giving—Not Receiving

Christmas offers those who celebrate the holiday, as well as those who don’t, an opportunity to take a deeper look at the meaning behind acts of giving and receiving. However, its easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the season and focused either on getting the things you desire or on giving your

The Secret of Attracting What You Want for Christmas is Found in Giving—Not Receiving Read More »

thoughts are creative

A Jewish Mystical Perspective on the Law of Attraction

Millions of people each year wish they could find a new and better job, make more money, have a better relationship or marriage, lose weight, create health, or find peace, but despite their unhappiness and frustration with where they currently find themselves, they feel unable to create something different.  Some of them do break out

A Jewish Mystical Perspective on the Law of Attraction Read More »

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.