Law of Attraction

How to manifest using certainty

Remember This Powerful Step In The Creation Process

The creation process involves steps that, if bypassed, impact your ability to manifest your desires. Specifically, you need to ensure you take one step—develop certainty. Law of attraction gurus and conscious creation experts advise ridding yourself of all doubt that you can’t create what matters to you most. However, the focus needs to be on […]

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to manifest, you must use the creation process

Learn to Manifest Your Desires by Being a Powerful Creator

Manifestation is a hot topic these days, 17 years after the release of The Secret video and book. Suddenly, this age-old principle—or law—is back in the mainstream consciousness, and everyone’s talking about it like it’s a new concept. Yet, it was never new. What no one discusses, however, is that manifestation is the end result

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A clear intention and vibration always gets a clear response from the Universe.

How to Know the Universe Matches Your Vibration and Intention

It’s one thing to understand that the Universe matches your vibration and responds to your intention. It’s another to know it, and sometimes, knowing this fact requires experiencing it and then acknowledging that experience. I teach about the Law of Attraction and manifestation. I believe we are all creators with the ability to create what

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Create what you desire; don't manifest your desire

Why It’s Essential To Create – Not Manifest – Your Desires

You are a creator, not a manifestor. That’s why it’s easier to create—not manifest—your desires. The term “manifestor” describes someone who manifests what they want. Technically, that’s correct terminology since they have brought something new into the world—“made it manifest.” So, adopting that identity makes sense. However, being a manifestor focuses on the end result—the

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Create your future; don't recreate your history.

How to Stop Recreating Your History and Start Creating Your Future

You believe you are taking steps to create your desired future. However, you are actually recreating your unwanted history. You’ve likely been told to create the future by visualizing it. Indeed, imagination is a powerful creative tool that rewires the brain for the desired outcome. But more often than not, your brain brings history into

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why you don't manifest what you want

The Best Way to Eliminate Your Huge Manifestation Obstacles

Many people feel as if a huge obstacle exists between what they want and manifesting that desire. If you are frustrated that you aren’t creating what you want, it’s time to explore your manifestation obstacles. Your inability to create what you desire is likely tied to a consistent thought about why you can’t have it.

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manifestation secrets

Why You Need Commitment, Belief, and Courage to Create Your Desires

Looking for manifestation secrets? A quick Google search will produce many links leading you to hidden information to help you create your desires. Many of those strategies work, yet most lack a few foundational pieces. Specifically, they don’t mention the importance of commitment, belief, and courage in the creation process. Focused attention, visualization, affirmations, and

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be intentional and set intentions to create what you desire.

How Setting an Intention Helps You Hit Your Target

“Intention” is a powerful word. When you intend something, you determine where you focus your attention. Become an intentional person, and your actions align with your intention. That’s when you create the results you desire. Your intention is the direction in which you aim. Consider an archer who sets up a target with a bull’s

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conscious and deliberate creation--historical perspective

Proof that Creative Thought or Conscious Creation has a Historical Foundation

When you hear the words “conscious creation,” “deliberate creation,” “creative thought,” or “Law of Attraction,” do you cringe and dismiss these philosophies as a bunch of hooey or undocumented woo-woo beliefs? You probably aren’t alone. However, these principles actually have a historical foundation and were popular long before the release of “The Secret” documentary in

Proof that Creative Thought or Conscious Creation has a Historical Foundation Read More »

3 Steps for Co-Creating Desires for Your Highest Good

The manifestation process has three fundamental steps: ask, act, and trust. The last step often feels the hardest because it requires being willing to receive whatever is for your highest good—not necessarily what you asked for. It’s common to ask for what you want—through prayer, visualization, affirmations, or a vision board—only not to have that

3 Steps for Co-Creating Desires for Your Highest Good Read More »

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  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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